The Water-Energy Nexus You Need to Know

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You need full transparency of your water quality and energy usage.

Until now, the industry has focused on monitoring water quality and energy usage independently of one another. But it’s important to realize that energy and water are inextricably linked. This interdependency is known as the “water-energy nexus.” The water-energy nexus plainly illustrates that the less energy you waste running your cooling system, the less water you need to cool your building. As water quality improves, energy efficiency improves correspondingly. It’s a win-win!

The problem is that traditional water treatment providers still believe that monthly check-ups and manual service logs suffice when it comes to cooling optimization. The industry must evolve, and it is starting to. New regulatory requirements are mandating that building owners, at a minimum, perform daily monitoring of basic water quality parameters. There is a better way to measure and monitor water quality and usage. A way that is dynamic, on-demand and just-in-time. A way that delivers clarity, control and compliance of your cooling system. A way that uses less, but delivers more.

Real-time water management software for HVAC and cooling systems is critical to deliver full transparency of your building’s water quality and energy efficiency; guard the equipment from scale and corrosion; and protect building occupants from harmful bacteria like Legionella. Known as Symphony™, our water quality and energy efficiency software solution produces the Nexus Number: A single benchmark used to show the efficiency of your cooling system in terms of the energy and water used. This data can be accessed anywhere in the world at any time through an intuitive platform that integrates seamlessly into your environment. Most Symphony™ clients increase chiller efficiency by 10% to 35% upon installation.


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